How to Use は (wa)

How to Use は (wa)

-は is actually the hiragana character read as “ha.” But as a particle, it’s read as “wa.” Keep that in mind.

は = is actually the topic maker particle in Japanese, but we would more associate it as a subject marking particle in English. That’s because, in Japanese, the subject is almost always dropped.

Example : 私は寿司が好きです

(watashi wa sushi ga suki desu)

= I like sushi

But if you’re talking to someone, and they ask “Do you like sushi?”, well, the subject is already known. They know your answer is about you. So you would just say

うん、寿司がすきです (un, sushi ga suki desu, “Yes, (I) like sushi”). You don’t need “I”.

は – can also be used as a contrasting particle, to put emphasis on the noun or topic you prefer over something else. But that’s a topic for later because it can become quite confusing to a beginner trying to learn the difference between は and が. Beginner: ???